
Showing posts from April, 2006

Strategic Online Internet Marketing

Strategic Online Internet Marketing Internet marketing is a lot like Offline marketing, but it opens up a whole new can of worms. The same thought process goes in, I need to market so people know about my product or business. With marketing my product, people will buy it and I will make money. This is true online, but the methods to drive people to your Online Web Site is different. Offline, people see brochures and call to find out more information. People come to your website to find information. You can market your website and drive traffic, but if your site does not look up to par, and you dont market your website in terms of its own content to finalize the deal, all your marketing efforts will be lost. A starting point for marketing online , is getting people to find you. How do they find you? Well here are some methods: - Search Engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN Search. You come up number one on a competitive search, and you are bound to get inquiries. - Ezines : Online newsle